
As time progresses,
mechanical and cosmetic improvements are incorporated into
our current designs and become standard. Most changes will
be minor, but some cosmetic designs are very noticeable.
Please call 937-947-4416 or 937-698-4259 for any Ordering Questions

AMD Sheet Metal
Fenders, Doors, Quarter Panels, etc. by AMD.
AMD is one of the newer companies on the market. The sheet metal parts they make rival oem parts for fit and quality at reasonable prices. Please call us for your special pricing quotes. We can have parts dropped shipped directly to you, or to save on shipping, depending on what Mopar show we will attend, you may be able to pick them up there, or I may be able to drop them off to you on the way to, or back from, a show.
Fenders, Doors, Quarter Panels, etc. by AMD.
AMD is one of the newer companies on the market. The sheet metal parts they make rival oem parts for fit and quality at reasonable prices. Please call us for your special pricing quotes. We can have parts dropped shipped directly to you, or to save on shipping, depending on what Mopar show we will attend, you may be able to pick them up there, or I may be able to drop them off to you on the way to, or back from, a show.